Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) – Technischer Regulierungsstandard
- RTS zum IKT-Risikomanagementrahmen und RTS zum vereinfachten IKT-Risikomanagementrahmen;
- Consultation Paper on draft RTS on ICT risk management tools, methods, processes and policies
- RTS zu Kriterien für die Klassifizierung IKT-bezogener Vorfälle;
- Consultation Paper on draft RTS on the criteria for the classification of ICT related incidents, materiality thresholds for major incidents and significant cyber threats
- RTS legt die Richtlinien für IKT-Dienste fest, die von IKT-Drittanbietern erbracht werden.
- Consultation Paper on content of the policy in relation to the contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions provided by ICT third-party service providers